It is the bane of progress in Nigeria today. Proper dissemination of information coupled with ignorance among-st our people. We are a nation who likes to follow the crowd. We do not live on Facts but we live on rumors, hence taking us far away from the truth and the fact behind this truths.
Up from the colonials to independence, the citizens of Nigeria have been made to regularly swallow pills of rumor, thereby turning us against each others as enemies.
Really, if we come to think of this Nigeria as an economy, has more than enough resources to take care of its own but we have been deceived.

I don't have the answers to this great nations woes, as all the answers I thought I had in the past, have been proven not to work on the long run, why, I am not well informed on the ways of Nigeria, it's real politics, how things work. And even the most intellectual of them all, the poets, economists, pastors, imams, politician, academicians have found no clue to the complex situations we have buried ourselves in. And who are these people who bury the truth, I could not say, as it may all be rumours. I have compiled articles below from different sources it may help you make up your mind on what whether we should remove or not remove oil subsidy. Bottom line is, if we remove it, many will suffer if we don't remove it many will still suffer in the end. I think the choice here is: Your decision above is based on what you know. Mourning May Endure for a Night But Joy Cometh in the Morning ( The Psalms )